Church Support

The African continent has an exceptionally high rate of church growth. A large mother church, typically started by overseas sponsors of various denominations, will fund the creation of new, smaller churches in local or rural areas. These daughter churches are established in various regions are constantly growing and expanding, but most all are struggling. They quickly outgrow their starter funds and are instantly unable to be self-sustainable. Many lose funding from their mother churches and have no other means for support.

LMV has identified and is working with many of these local churches, partnering with Christian ministries to find ways to mobilize and educate church members to increase their support. At the same time, LMV seeks to extensively train church employees in good stewardship, equipping them with skills in resource management and investment. This is an exciting undertaking worth the support, helping local churches become responsible, self-sustainable entities that can serve their communities.

"We love because He first loved us." - I John 4:19